CT scan
The Surgical Reality Viewer accepts DICOM-compliant CT and MRI images. On top of the golden standard, this application supports imaging.
Load CT Scan
In the application, select the patient’s CT scan. Both non-contrast and contrast-enhanced CTs can be visualized. For optimal images, we recommend contrast-enhanced CTs.
Anatomic labelling
2D to 3D Technology
The Surgical Reality Viewer quickly transforms the patient’s 2D CT data into a patient-specific, labelled 3D model. Arteries, veins, airways, lung lobes and pulmonary segments are labelled semi-automatically.
Surgeon Review
The review step enables the surgeon to confirm that the segmentation and labels were applied correctly or make adjustments as needed.
Interactive 3D models
Interact with the 3D anatomy
Surgical Reality's innovative algorithms enable intuitive interaction with the anatomic structures to visualize how the patient’s anatomical structures may appear during a procedure.
Gain anatomic understanding
By adjusting the 3D model with the Viewer’s tools (pan; zoom; rotate; etc.), the surgeon gains understanding and insights into the patient’s unique anatomy.
Engage OR Staff
The Surgical Reality Viewer also provides the OR staff with the ability to more clearly visualize and understand the patient’s anatomy as they participate in the procedure.
Training and education
The Surgical Reality Viewer can serve as an educational tool for residents, operating room assistants, nurses, and others. By engaging with realistic 3D models, these individuals can gain a deeper understanding of patient anatomy and surgical procedures, improving their understanding and confidence.